A reliable Unit4 partner that focus on your success

Since the founding of Askk in 2008, we have focused on efficient Unit4 ERP solutions that enables our customers to focus fully on their business. From being a purely consulting company, we’re now active in product development and SaaS solutions (Software as a Service). At the same time, we have a greatly expanded range of ERP consultants.

Based on industry knowledge and standards

Askk has extensive experience delivering services for complex long-term collaborative projects. We place great emphasis on matching our senior consultants with the right assignments. With focus on delivering reliable, stable and relevant solutions that are based on industry knowledge and standards.

Competence and wide range of services

As a Unit4 partner we have been able to constantly develop our internal competence and our service offering, which includes a range of services consisting of, among other things, system management, implementation, accounting, and business management.

We also have experience of close collaboration with both the public and private sector.

Growth and customer satisfaction

Since 2016, we have been focused on in-depth collaboration with Unit4, this has lead to a substantial boost in our growth – in terms of both turnover and number of consultants. This growth journey has only been possible by focusing on our customers’ business and needs. Customer satisfaction is one of our most important measurements, which means Askk is today a company with great ambitions and great ability to deliver. If you want to work with us – as a customer or as a consultant – get in touch and we’ll talk more!
Work with us

Headquarters in Karlstad

We’ve had exciting global contacts and exchanges over the years, which means that we now see the whole world as our area of work. But our starting point and headquarters are in Karlstad, Sweden. Most of our senior consultants have experience on the customer side and from many extensive projects.

In addition, we collaborate with several sub-consultants, all senior consultants who have previously worked for the system supplier Unit4. When we at Askk work with sub-consultants, we are always responsible for the entirety of the delivery.

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